Aggregating logic, intelligence and odds...

VP Scale

(Continuous Scale)


?? boards VP
?? imp ??  -  ??

 Calculation based on formula describe in:
WBF IMP to VP Scales

IMP Scale

Score IMP Score IMP
20-40 1 750-890 13
50-80 2 900-1090 14
90-120 3 1100-1290 15
130-160 4 1300-1490 16
170-210 5 1500-1740 17
220-260 6 1750-1990 18
270-310 7 2000-2240 19
320-360 8 2250-2490 20
370-420 9 2500-2990 21
430-490 10 3000-3490 22
500-590 11 3500-3990 23
600-740 12 4000+ 24

VP Scale

14 boards 16 boards 20 boards 32 boards VP
0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 10-10
2-4 2-4 2-5 3-7 11-9
5-8 5-8 6-9 8-12 12-8
9-12 9-12 10-14 13-18 13-7
13-16 13-17 15-19 19-24 14-6
17-21 18-22 20-25 25-32 15-5
22-26 23-28 26-31 33-40 16-4
27-33 29-35 32-39 41-50 17-3
34-40 36-43 40-48 51-61 18-2
41-50 44-53 49-60 62-76 19-1
51+ 54+ 61+ 77+ 20-0

VP Scale

6 boards 8 boards 10 boards 12 boards VP
0 0 0 0-1 10-10
1-2 1-3 1-3 1-4 11-9
3-4 4-6 4-6 5-7 12-8
5-7 7-9 7-9 8-11 13-7
8-10 10-12 10-13 12-15 14-6
11-13 13-16 14-17 16-19 15-5
14-17 17-20 18-22 20-24 16-4
18-21 21-25 23-27 25-30 17-3
22-26 26-30 38-34 31-37 18-2
27-32 31-38 35-42 38-46 19-1
33+ 39+ 43+ 47+ 20-0